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 English Grammar.

 Uses of Noun
 Count & noncount Nouns
 Articles (definite, in“defi)
 Possesive Adjectives
 Possesive Pronouns
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 Reflexive Pronouns
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 Imperative (command)
 Causative Verbs have and   Let
 Using "A few, few, A little..
 Using "Some" and "Any"
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 Past form of Should
 Expectation and shoud
Using Could
Expressing necessity
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 Progressive May & might. Using Would
Using Gerunds
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If-then Constructions
Using Conjunctions
 The Passive voice
Direct & Indirect speech

 Possessive Adjectives.

Here are the possessive adjectives in English:

1st person, singular -- my

3rd person, singular -- his, her, its

1st person, plural -- our

2nd person, sing./pl. -- your

3rd person, plural -- their

In English, the gender and number of the possessor determines the form of the possessive adjective:

--I have a credit card. It's my credit card.

--She has some money. It's her money.

NOTE: Often the subject of the verb is not the person who owns the noun. Be careful about this. You must know the gender and number of the owner to be able to use possessive adjectives correctly:

--Are you buying his ticket or her ticket?

--I'm buying his ticket.



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